DATE | READING | Commentary |
March 10 | Num 32-33 | |
March 11 | Num 34-36 | |
March 12 | Deut 1-3 | |
March 13 | Deut 4-5 | |
March 14 | Deut 6-9 | |
March 15 | Deut 10-12 | |
March 16 | Deut 13-16 |
Let Freedom Ring II – Baptism
What would life be like if you were free of the devil, bondage, bad habits, tormenting thoughts, addictions, compulsions, generational strongholds, sickness, fear, guilt, shame, depression, or the things that plague you?!
In the book of 1 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul likens the Red Sea Crossing to baptism; a profound truth! The fledgling nation of Israel fled on foot into the desert. A mass of humanity at least two million strong with every imaginable noise and odor, and with all the earthly possessions they could carry. Tired. Discomfited. Confused. A human herd. They were fleeing one kingdom where they had been in bondage for a new homeland where they would be free! As soon as they had safely crossed on dry ground, their arch enemy and cruel taskmaster of hundreds of years was buried before their eyes. They would never see Egypt again.
It’s important to note that God did it! He lured the Egyptians into the sea; He positioned Himself between the enemy and His people; He discomfited Egypt so they could not pursue speedily; He brought the water back on them! Wow!
Disciples’ Perspective:
This account is a picture of baptism. To repent is to decide to flee. Jesus our passover has given His flawless life and paid the price for our redemption. Death has passed us over. But we must not only leave ‘Egypt’, we must be free of the ‘Egyptians’ forever. The kingdom of darkness must be cut off permanently.
Note that timing is everything. What do you suppose would become of Israel if they had hesitated to cross the Red Sea? Till today the Egyptians would still be pursuing them. In the same way, a truly repentant sinner must be baptized promptly as we see modeled in the book of Acts. When this is done the kingdom of darkness is cut off and a new creature emerges – redeemed and free! It’s something God does Himself. Again, we do the ordinary – baptize someone in water; God does the miraculous and the supernatural – He sets them free in Jesus’ name.
I’ve been to several baptisms in church where we clap offer a towel and share cookies afterwards. Now that I’m living the life of a disciple I look back and realize something was not right. Either the people didn’t truly repent, or they delayed baptism after repentance. Now my experience and that of many disciples is that as soon the person comes up out of the water, a struggle ensues as the kingdom of darkness tries to hold on. But it cannot!
Baptism is an act of obedience but it is so much more! It is not just a symbolic act or doctrinal debate. It enacts a spiritual reality of identification with the death, burial , and resurrection of Christ; a burial of the old man and the old life. When properly done, a new creature emerges who will never see the old life again. (2 Cor. 5:17)
And the best part is that God does it all Himself!!! Glory!!!
Bible Reading list – March 3-9
DATE | READING | Commentary |
March 3 | Num 14-15 | |
March 4 | Num 16-18 | |
March 5 | Num 19-21 | |
March 6 | Num 22-24 | |
March 7 | Num 25-26 | |
March 8 | Num 27-29 | |
March 9 | Num 30-31 |
Bible Reading list – Feb 24-Mar 2
DATE | READING | Commentary |
Feb 24 | Lev 23-24 | |
Feb 25 | Lev 25-26 | |
Feb 26 | Lev 27, Num 1 | |
Feb 27 | Num 2-3 | |
Feb 28 | Num 4-5 | |
March 1 | Num 6,10 | |
March 2 | Num 11-13 |
Bible Reading list – Feb 17-23
DATE | READING | Commentary |
Feb 17 | Lev 4-6 | Holiness |
Feb 18 | Lev 7-8 | |
Feb 19 | Lev 9-11 | |
Feb 20 | Lev 12-14 | |
Feb 21 | Lev 15-16 | |
Feb 22 | Lev 17-19 | |
Feb 23 | Lev 20-22 |